May 4, 2019

Star Wars Update

The Day by Day Database is up to date.

Here is a post about the commercialization of Star Wars day:

Over time, it became a broader celebration of all things related to the famed space operas. And that’s fine. If we were in the mood to be nostalgic, we might watch one from the original trilogy. If we wanted to live in the present, we might watch one of the recent ones. If we wanted an escape, we might watch one of the two offshoot ‘stories.’ And if we were drunk, we might watch one of the prequels.

But all that’s changed. We’re not gathering around the TV to admire the up-scroll of backstory, or challenging each other to do our best Chewie impression (RIP Peter Mayhew!). Why? Because it’s all about the merch now. Everyone’s lined up trying to get the new Nike Skywalkers, or camping out in front of the various stores offering big Mark The Fourth (Off) sales. They’re driving all over town looking the limited edition ‘Sexy Lifeguard 8D8’ action figure or the tie-wearing, courtroom-ready ‘R4-P17, Esquire’ stuffed toy.

1 thought on “Star Wars Update

  1. Scooter

    Me, I just watched one of the movies. Maybe that person just needs different friends. Or maybe the whole thing was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, and I missed it.

    By the way, I like how you’ve been putting the source of a quote under the quote. It’s a very nice bit of info. So, thanks.


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