May 27, 2019

Buckner Passes

Bill Buckner died:

Bill Buckner, long time MLB first baseman who played with the Boston Red SoxLos Angeles Dodgers and Chicago Cubs, among other teams, has died, it has been announced. He was 69, and suffering from Lewy Body Dementia.

Buckner spent 22 years in the majors, being one of the rare players to play in four decades, as his career spanned from 1969 to 1990.

My thoughts go out to Buckner’s family and friends.

Buckner would have done well as a pick in the Beat the Streak game, as hits made up the greatest part of his OBP. He was an end of the offensive sequence hitter, as with men on base he would put the ball in play, which led to good RBI totals.

Of course, with the good, came one of the most infamous plays in World Series history.

One problem is that John McNamara* substituted Dave Stapleton into first base often for defense that season. The other problem is that poor pitching got the Red Sox to that point in the game where they could lose on an error. It’s like the Bartman foul ball. If Dusty Baker had his bullpen ready to go, it would not have made a difference.

Buckner was a good, not great hitter. His hitting talents, his ability to put the ball in play and drive in runs, were valuable. He should be remembered for that.

*McNamara’s non move prompted me to write a joke after the World Series. Buckner is driving McNamara and Davey Johnson on a mountain road the winter after the World Series. Buckner’s foot seizes, he loses control of the car, and all three are killed as the vehicle plunges off a cliff. When they get to heaven, god feels sorry for McNamara and Johnson, as they won’t get to manage the 1987 All-Star game. He tells them to pick of team of all stars from heaven, and tells Johnson to pick a first baseman. Johnson says, “I’ll take Lou Gehrig.” McNamara then gets to pick a first baseman and takes Buckner. God is surprised at this. “With all the late, great first basemen, why Buckner?” McNamara replies, “Because he’s the one who got us here.”

2 thoughts on “Buckner Passes

  1. Ikeg

    Don’t forget that he was the left fielder climbing the fence during Hank Aaron’s 715th


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