April 18, 2006

San Antonio Deadline

FishStripes rounds up the news on the deadline imposed by San Antonio on the Marlins. The Texas City wants an answer by May 15th.

I don’t see anyway MLB and the Marlins will be able to meet this deadline. If the city really thinks pressuring the two is going to cause them to bat an eye, they are sadly mistaken.
I don’t know if San Antonio is setting a quick deadline because they want out or if they don’t understand how slowly things move within baseball.

I bet they’re setting the deadline because they know exactly how slowly things move in baseball, and they don’t want to be jerked around like Portland or Las Vegas. They don’t want to be a pawn to get the Marlins a better deal in south Florida. They want the team. If the team doesn’t want them, they won’t be leverage. Good for San Antonio.

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