January 13, 2020

Dombrowski On the Line

After reading the Statement of the Commissioner on the Astros sign stealing scandal, it’s fairly clear to me that Dave Dombrowski will be suspended in addition to Alex Cora:

Following the issuance of the press release announcing the results of the Red Sox investigation, I issued a memorandum that same day to all Clubs reiterating the rules regarding the use of electronic equipment to steal signs, and putting all Clubs on notice that future violations would be taken extremely seriously by my office. I specifically stated in the memorandum that the General Manager and Field Manager of Clubs would be held accountable for any violations of the rules in the future. Thus, all Clubs were put on notice as of September 15, 2017 that any use of electronic equipment to steal signs would be dealt with more severely by my office.


This makes me wonder if anticipation of this suspension helped lead to the Dombrowski firing. The Red Sox might have anticipated that they would lose him, so they could get out in front and hire a new GM and have him through the winter.

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