May 2, 2020

This Date in 1920

May 2, 1920 saw all seven scheduled games played. Pittsburgh shut out Cincinnati 3-0 for the low scoring game of the day, while the White Sox beat the Browns 7-3 in the high scoring contest. The Tigers fell to the Indians 5-2 as Detroit starts the season 0-13. That tied the 1904 Senators for most consecutive losses to start the season.

Eddie Collins of the White Sox takes home offensive game of the day honors. He went three for five that day, collecting a double and a triple. He would be the White Sox star that would survive the Black Sox scandal that hit full force at the end of the 1920 season. He and teammate Joe Jackson were leading a power surge for the White Sox, combining for eleven doubles, three triples, and a home run in the team’s first eleven games. That put them first (Jackson) and fourth in the majors in slugging percentage.

On the pitching side, it was a close call between George Smith of the Phillies and Wilber Cooper of the Pirates for best pitched game of the day. Cooper’s shutout, one of eight complete games on the day, saw him allow just four hits and no walks while striking out three for a game score of 82. Smith completed a game that went 13 innings, allowing six hits and four walks. He gave up three runs, two of them earned. He only struck out two for a game score of 83. On a per inning basis, Cooper was better, but both spun outstanding performances.

Smith reached his peak with the Phillies, his control serving as his strength. He did go 22-49 with Philadelphia from 1919-1921, so his decent pitching wasn’t good enough for that team.

Tom Zachary allowed three home runs through May 2nd, ranking him at the top of the HR per 9 IP leaderboard. He was the only pitcher at that point with at least 20 innings who allowed over one home run per 9 IP.

Rogers Hornsby and Doc Johnston tied for the longest current hit streak, both reaching eleven games.

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