July 19, 2020

Freeman’s Illness

Freddie Freeman describes his bout with COVID-19.

“Friday night, that was the scariest night for me. I spiked to 104.5 fever. Thankfully, George wasn’t awake when I texted him because I probably would’ve gone to the hospital. Ten minutes after that, I gunned my forehead again and I was 103.8, then 103.2, then 103.6. So I was like, ‘If I go above 104 again, I’ll probably have to start ringing the phone and try to figure this out.

“I said a little prayer that night. I’ve never been that hot before. My body was really, really hot. So I said ‘Please don’t take me.’ I wasn’t ready. It got a little worrisome that night for me. I took some NyQuil, Tylenol and I was able to go to sleep. I was just scared to go to bed. I was scared if I spiked even higher when I was sleeping what would happen. I woke up at 7 a.m. the next morning and I was 101.5, so I was like, ‘Whew. I can take the 101.’ Friday night was my worst night.


He probably should have gone to the hospital at 104.5. He lost his taste and smell for about four days, and his description of that was interesting as well. A few of his family member also tested positive and experienced symptoms.

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