September 30, 2020

This Date in 1920

Weather postponed all five scheduled games on September 30, 1920.

That leaves the front page of the paper the only source of baseball news as the grand jury in Chicago continues to investigate the White Sox throwing the 1919 World Series. The prosecutor announced that corroborating witness will appear, neither ballplayers nor gamblers.

As important, John Heydler, president of the National League, gives an interview to reporters in which he declares the National Commission can only longer rule baseball:

“Scrap the National Commission,” said Mr. Heydler last night on his arrival from Chicago, where he testified before the grand jury. “it must be supplanted by a new power and a bigger power for the sake of the preservation of the game. It is not a question of finding a new chairman for this commission. The commission is so tangled in its own political meshes that it can accomplish nothing, and any action it might take would be open to suspicion and innuendo.”

New York Tribune

This would lead to the first commissioner of baseball, something that was already under discussion.

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