October 1, 2020

This Date in 1920

Seven of the nine games scheduled in the major leagues on October 1, 1920, play to a decision, including a doubleheader in Detroit against Cleveland. The Dodgers and Giants play two at the Polo Grounds as well. The Cubs beat the Cardinals 3-2 in seventeen innings for the low scoring game of the day (almost two games). The Senators beat the Athletics in Philadelphia 13-3 at the high end of scoring.

Earl Smith of the Browns and High Pockets Kelly of the Giants tie for best offensive game of the day honors. Smith posts a two for four day, hitting a triple and a home run while driving in two runs. The Browns beat a depleted White Sox squad 8-6. Kelly goes two for three with a home run and a walk in game two of the NYC twin bill. The teams split the games, each winning by a score of 4-3. Kelly leads the NL in RBI with 94.

Jessie Haines of the the Cardinals takes the loss against the Cubs but wins best pitched game of the day. He pitches 16 1/3 innings, allowing ten hits and four walks while striking out eight. He gives up three runs, but only two earned, for a game score of 97. Three of the hits Haines allowed came in the bottom of the 17th, all three singles. Pete Alexander gets the complete game, seventeen-inning win, but allows 16 hits for a game score of 94.

George Sisler of the Browns, now a cinch to win the batting title, goes two for four to raise his batting average to .406. Tris Speaker of the Indians goes two for eight in the doubleheader to lower his BA to .386.

The Indians split their doubleheader with the Tigers. Detroit wins 5-4 in ten innings in game one, while the Indians win 10-3 in eight innings in game two, the game called due to darkness. With the White Sox losing, Cleveland clinches a tie for the AL flag. Their magic number drops to one.

One of the postponements comes in Pittsburgh, which already scheduled a doubleheader for Saturday. At that time in Pennsylvania, Sunday baseball was not allowed, so the Pirates scheduled a tripleheader for Saturday:

The Pittsburgh and Cincinnati National League clubs will play three games here to-morrow, according to an announcement by officials of the home club to-night. The first game will begin at noon, and fans will be permitted to witness the three game for one admission price.

New York Tribune

Also on the sports page is a report of at least the second auto accident of the year involving Babe Ruth. Ruth was unhurt, but his $12,000 car suffered a lot of damage.

The White Sox scandal continues to dominate page one and page two, but it now seems that people are trying to get publicity by hitching on to the story. The New York District Attorney wants to go after the gamblers in his city that bet on the games. The Giants are accused of throwing the 1919 pennant to the Reds. There’s more of an investigation to the roles of Hal Chase and Lee Magee. A bill to make throwing games a federal crime is introduced in Congress. It’s the first draft of history.

2 thoughts on “This Date in 1920

  1. Jeff A

    “Duke of” Earl Smith.

    Can you imagine what the players’ union would say if someone today even floated the possibility of playing a tripleheader?


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