October 7, 2020

This Date in 1920

The Indians and Dodgers play the third game of the World Series on October 7, 1920. The Dodgers take the game by a score of 2-1, and that win gives Brooklyn a 2-1 lead in the best of nine series.

Sherry Smith pitched a complete game for the win, giving up an unearned run on three hits and two walks. He struck out two batters, and the game stories are full of the heroics of the Dodgers infielders on defense:

The Dodger infield alone ran down thirty-seven chances without an error. On three separate occasions the Cleveland attack launched desperate drives, only to find Kilduff, Olson, or Johnston in the way with line of stops and throws. The sole Cleveland run resulted from a double by Tris Speaker in the fourth inning which bounded through Wheat’s open-faced legs and rolled on to the fence. But the industrious Zach more than atoned for this one misplay by rapping out three singles, the first of which played an important part in Brooklyn’s winning rally through the first round.

New York Tribune

Zack Wheat made the error, but he also produced the best day at the plate with three singles, driving in the first run of the game.

It been a low scoring series so far with just ten runs crossing the plate in the first three contests.

Also on the sports page is an article on the National League owners gathering to talk about reorganizing the governance of baseball. They decided to invite the AL owners to a meeting on Oct. 18 to discuss the issues in light of the White Sox scandal.

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