October 18, 2020

This Date in 1920

The meeting between major league baseball clubs to discuss the reorganization of the National Commission takes place in Chicago on October 18, 1920. Ban Johnson and five American League teams who support him do not attend, however.

Representatives of every National League baseball club and three American League clubs to-night went on record as favoring abrogation of the national agreement between professional leagues. Resolutions proposed a complete reorganization of baseball with the National Commission abolished and a civilian tribunal of three men not financially interested in the game in complete control.

New York Tribune

As for the teams that did not attend, they are given until November first to come around, or a new, twelve-team National League will be formed by the eleven in agreement and another invited team. The owners will also ask states and the federal government to make betting on baseball a felony. That seems kind of harsh to me.

There is a side bar on that page reporting on what kind of leader National League president John Heydler wants to see on the new commission:

“We want a man as chairman who will rule with an iron hand. I’ll be glad to take orders if I am told something is wrong at a certain place and instructed to clean it up.

“Baseball has lacked a head of that type for years. It needs it now worse than ever. Therefore, it is our object to appoint a big man to lead the new commission.”

New York Tribune

The iron first leader would be very popular throughout the world over the next 20 years, but they have their down sides. Baseball might have brought Negro League players into the fold in the 1930s if the strong man they ended up choosing had some restraints placed on him.

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