October 21, 2020

This Date in 1920, Oct. 21

in the news following October 21, 1920, W.O. McGeehan pens an editorial titled Baseball Fans Want Action with the subtitle Magnates Still Blind to Game’s Interest. He presents very little evidence for the main title:

It is quite evident that the magnates do not as yet realize just what a shock was caused by the revelations of crookedness in baseball. There is another “baseball war” on, but it promises no results as yet. The patrons of baseball will demand results before next season. They will insist upon a new controlling board for the game, a new deal and at least some promises and prospects for reform.

New York Tribune

That’s it. It might have been nice to quote some fans, or conduct a poll. McGeehan does make an excellent point about how the National Commission failed to ban Hal Chase from the game when there was clear evidence he engineered favorable gambling outcomes to games.

In another example of how the world never changes, an article on the front page notes unusual weather.

The mercury in New York thermometers yesterday suddenly awoke and sped upward 20 degrees in less than twenty hours. At 3 o’clock the Weather Bureau reported that all records for October 21 in the last forty-nine years had been broken. at that hour the temperature was 80 degrees atop the Whitehall Building, while in the streets it was as high as 84 1/2.

New York Tribune

We’re going to be well above average in western Massachusetts today.

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