October 28, 2020

This Date in 1920

A grand jury indicts Giants manager John McGraw on October 28, 1920 for previously buying a bottle of whisky:

John J. McGraw, central figure in the recent Lambs Club scandal and manager and part owner of the New York Giants, was indicted yesterday by the Federal grand jury on a charge of violating the Volstead act. The chief allegation is that he possessed one bottle of whisky contrary to law.

New York Tribune

The prohibition of the sale of alcohol was just starting to hit home in late 1920. The Volstead act, which grew out of the eighteenth amendment, was upheld by the supreme court in the summer of 1920. That’s when the prosecutions began.

Teams announced two managerial signings as Miller Huggins and the Yankees agree on a one year deal, while Johnny Evers returns to the Cubs as the field manager. The article on the Huggins signing indicates that Babe Ruth and the manager do not get along. Also Dave Fultz, president of the International League criticizes the Lasker Plan:

“The Lasker plan contains the same fundamental error of government as the one upon which the national agreement rode to its fall. It provides that minor, as well as major leagues, shall be controlled by a board of three men, who are chosen solely by the major leagues; the minors may offer suggestions, but the voting power rests entirely with the major leagues.

“This board is to have complete control not only over the relations that exist between minors and majors, but over their internal affairs as well. In other words, we are expected to subscribe to a government in whose election we have no voice and to which we must submit for twenty-five years, no matter how unfair it may become. It is necessary only to point out this error in the plan to show why it cannot be accepted by the minor leagues’

New York Tribune

Meanwhile, American League president Ban Johnson will meet with representatives of the five AL clubs that have not joined the Lasker Plan tomorrow.

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