October 29, 2020

This Date in 1920

American League President Ban Johnson holds a meeting with the five loyal AL teams on October 29, 1920. They announce an alternative to the Lasker plan:

The beard’s answer suggests that a committee of nine Members — three each from the National League, the American League, and the National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues (minor leagues) — work out a plan of reorganization. This committee, it was pointed out, will give due consideration, not only to the major leagues, but to the minor leagues as well.

New York Tribune

Johnson’s plan aims get the minor leagues on his side, and use the sheer numbers of other teams to swamp the eleven teams who want the Lasker plan. Johnson does make a very good point later in the article:

“The thing that will stop gambling in baseball is the certainty, speed and severity of the punishment meted out to those who sell games, or do the gambling.”

Which is what baseball adopted anyway.

In other baseball news, the Giants hire Hughey Jennings, recently resigned from the Tigers, as their assistant manager. Jennings is very good friends with Giants manager John McGraw.

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