January 4, 2021

The Start of Spring

The Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) notes that Major League Baseball cannot shorten the 2021 season without player consent (may require a subscription):

“As we’ve made clear to the league on multiple occasions, we expect Spring Training and the Regular Season to start on time and as scheduled, consistent with our CBA,” the Players Association said in a statement. “The league does not have the authority or legal basis to unilaterally delay or shorten the schedule without Players’ consent. While there will continue to be challenges, our Players have proven they can safely play a season under difficult circumstances, as have the other sports. The Commissioner’s Office has assured us that they have instructed the Clubs to prepare for an on time start.”


There are a ton of moving pieces, including local government lock downs, the timing of vaccines, the ability to put fans in the stands. The scheduling of 2021 might end up being much more contentious than 2020.

2 thoughts on “The Start of Spring

  1. Steve H

    I can imagine the season starting with only fans who’ve been vaccinated being allowed into the ballpark. It would be a good incentive to get our shots!

  2. rbj1

    Florida is pretty much open. And the Wuhan virus can’t tolerate UV light. Which is part of sunlight. I don’t know about Arizona’s restrictions.


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