January 26, 2021

None Elected

No former player reached 75% in the BBWAA voting for the Hall of Fame. Here is the BBWAA vote tally. Curt Schilling topped the list at 71.1%, but has asked to be taken off the ballot:

“I will not participate in the final year of voting. I am requesting to be removed from the ballot. I’ll defer to the veterans committee and men whose opinions actually matter and who are in a position to actually judge a player,” Schilling wrote. “I don’t think I’m a hall of famer as I’ve often stated but if former players think I am then I’ll accept that with honor.”


I am actually a bit surprised someone like Scott Rolen didn’t make it, or that Andruw Jones didn’t get more support. I really wonder if the writers thought last year’s class should have a stage to themselves.

3 thoughts on “None Elected

  1. Ryan D.

    Hey David, I didn’t see if you posted about the Internet Baseball Hall of Fame. Is that voting done? It would be interesting to see if the vote was different. I know Barry Larkin is not in. Maybe they vote Schilling in?

  2. David Pinto Post author


    Sorry I didn’t see this earlier. I’ve been very busy and probably missed the email. I’ll dig it up and see what happened.



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