February 2, 2021


The Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) rejected the Major League Baseball (MLB) request for a shortened season. Spring training will start on time.

In Zoom calls, player leaders were strident in their belief that they should start the season as soon as possible, according to sources, citing not just a desire to play now but to avoid pitchers ramping down their arms before what many expect to be a taxing year in the wake of the shortened 2020 season. While multiple players told ESPN they believe a delay would be good for the sport — they fear that April is the likeliest month for potential outbreaks and cancellations because the COVID-19 vaccine won’t be as widely distributed as it would be in later months — leadership on the players’ side saw the proposal as uncompelling and was clear in its desire to reject it.

The question was whether the union would counter. In discussions between MLB and the MLBPA on Monday, the league offered to eliminate the language about Manfred’s powers to which the union objected, according to sources. MLB also suggested it was open to helping offset the cost of broken leases for spring training lodging, an issue that bothered players. Other issues, the league intimated, were open for negotiation, as well.

The union was unmoved. It believed the CBA provided all it wanted and did not make a counteroffer.


The story also notes that other rules introduced in 2020 are unlikely to be retained this season. It appears that the players are saving all these items for the upcoming collective bargaining sessions next winter. They’ll concede nothing now.

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