February 8, 2021

Dead Ball Era

MLB decided to make the ball a bit looser in order to cut down on home runs:

In an effort to better center the ball, Rawlings has loosened the tension on the first of three wool windings within the ball. Its research estimates the adjustment will bring the COR down .01 to .02 and will also lessen the ball’s weight by 2.8 grams without changing its size. The league does not anticipate the change in weight will affect pitcher velocities.

The memo did not address the drag of the baseball, which remains a more difficult issue to control.


I think this is a good move, and it’s especially good that it got leaked, so everyone knows what to expect. Home runs influence the other true outcomes. Pitchers are more likely to work around big sluggers, raising walk totals. With a lower chance of a home run, some players may try to put the ball in play more, cutting down on strikeouts.

We will see. MLB expects the difference to be subtle. Maybe it will be enough put a little more action in the game.

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