February 9, 2021

More of Less Baseball

Major League Baseball (MLB) and the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) reached an agreement on health and safety rules for the 2021 season. Carrying over from 2020 are two changes designed to shorten playing time and insure a full season:

Seven-inning doubleheaders and runners on second base to start extra innings will return for a second straight season under an agreement for 2021 health protocols reached Monday between Major League Baseball and the players’ association.

The deal did not include last year’s experimental rule to extend the designated hitter to the National League or expanded playoffs. After allowing 16 teams in the postseason last year instead of 10, MLB had proposed 14 for this year before withdrawing that plan last month.


The longest extra-inning game in 2020 went 13 innings, and as the rule was implemented, people actually seemed to like it. It works out for traditionalists, too, as they get to see pitchers bat once more.

2 thoughts on “More of Less Baseball

  1. Luis Venitucci

    I hate the runner on 2nd rule, and the 7 inning Double Headers…I really think Manfred doesn’t like or understand the game.

  2. Jeff A

    Essentially, they got rid of all the rule changes I liked and kept all the ones I didn’t like.


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