February 25, 2021

The Kelenic Rule

Larry Stone writes about service time manipulation in the wake of comments about Jarred Kelenic by Kevin Mather of the Mariners.

That’s why the format for determining service time must be changed, as Boras told Times reporter Geoff Baker this week — to remove that temptation. There have been innumerable proposals for doing so, including Boras’ idea to use an independent panel to review promotion decisions that impact service time. Others include lessening the number of days needed to accrue a full season; making free agency based on age, not service time; and instituting a system of restricted free agency as in the NHL and NFL.


Or, just cut out service time altogether. Unless the system is “everyone is a free agent at age X”, the only system that would be totally free from manipulation is one of universal free agency. If every season with an MLB appearance counts as a season, players will be kept in the minors longer. If total time in professional baseball counts, players will be drafted at an older age. You’re a free agent whenever your contract is up is the fairest way to pay the players.

1 thought on “The Kelenic Rule

  1. rbj1

    Yeah, I expect the next CBA negotiations are going to be rather. . . intense. Given that players get less than 50% of revenue and now the service time manipulation is out in the open, I’ll side with the players. Even if there is a work stoppage of some sort.


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