August 14, 2021

Another Bauer Accusation

Another woman filed a restraining order against Trevor Bauer in June of 2020. Here is the original Washington Post article, but you need a subscription. I’m pulling this information from

The investigation by the Post outlines that an Ohio woman filed a temporary order of protection in June 2020 when Bauer pitched for the Cincinnati Reds. The Post reported that it obtained photos showing facial injuries that the woman’s attorney said Bauer caused by punching and choking her during sex without consent. The story also reports that the woman attempted to show police officers photos of her injuries in an incident at Bauer’s apartment in 2017.

“This is a continuation by the woman and her attorneys to make good on their threats to harm me by perpetuating false narrative,” Bauer said in a post on social media. “This has been a game to her from the beginning but my life is not a game and I won’t stand by idly and allow this conduct to continue.”

Stay tuned, but a terrible situation just managed to get worse.

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