October 8, 2021

Get that Man Some Genie Pants

Trevor Bauer is asking the court to order his accuser to pay Bauer’s legal fees stemming from defending the restraining order against him:

Under the California Family Code, a court can order attorney fees paid to the prevailing party in a restraining order case.

If the party seeking protection prevails, the court must consider “(1) the respective incomes and needs of the parties, and (2) any factors affecting the parties’ respective abilities to pay.” However, the code does not specify what factors the court should consider if the party defending himself or herself prevails.


One might think that Bauer should be happy for the win and go home. Bauer may see this as a way to fight for his job. Not only did she lose, the case was so egregious that the judge made her pay my legal fees! How can you suspend me?

I’m not surprised by this at all. Hyper-competitive professional athletes can’t lose at anything.

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