March 24, 2022

Twenty Years of Baseball Musings

Today marks the twentieth anniversary of Baseball Musings. I’d like to thank all the readers, commenters, linkers, and patrons who made these twenty years of writing a labor of love.

The site grew into more than just a blog over the years. The Day by Day Database offers stats that are totally date driven. Teams and fantasy players use it on a daily basis. It provides data for the daily Beat the Streak Picks. It provides data for the Musings Marcels and the Opposition batting version of that projection system. I have a number of readers who reported fantasy success using that data. Newspaper style of league leaders update every day, and for every day in the last 100 years.

In the past the site ran a pledge drive during March, but this year I’m only reaching out on this anniversary date. If you found this site fun or useful during the years, please consider a small tip.

Larger donations earn you a premium. For a donation of $50, you will be able to dedicate a post. The dedication should be in good taste and may contain a hyperlink. For a contribution of $500, you can join Jack Spellman as a Patron on the side bar for two years, including a hyperlink.

Donations can be made via PayPal, Square Cash, or Venmo. Venmo needs to be used through the mobile app, and my name is David-Pinto-82. Unfortunately, other donations providers have gone out of business or charge too much money in fees. If you do not wish to use one of the above providers but still wish to donate, please contact me and I’ll provide an address for a check. (I recently moved, so the old address won’t work.) My email is

Square Cash Link

Thank you for your support!

4 thoughts on “Twenty Years of Baseball Musings

  1. M.C. O'Connor

    Congratulations on 20 years of Baseball Musings!! I’ve learned a hell of a lot about baseball reading your site over the years. And you inspire me to keep writing on my own blog, so thanks for that.

  2. Jeff A

    But when I clicked on “Donate”, I got a message that said, “Something’s not right. That page does not exist.”


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