July 14, 2022

Lawsuits Glaore

Freddie Freeman‘s former agent filed a libel suit against radio personality Doug Gottlieb.

Thursday’s lawsuit, which was filed in a New York court, centered on a report Gottlieb posted to Twitter in the wake of Excel’s firing by Freeman last month, when the Fox Sports radio host alleged Close never told Freeman of a supposed final offer the Atlanta Braves made during the free-agency process.

Excel issued a statement days later denying Gottlieb’s report, and in Thursday’s lawsuit accused him of damaging the reputation of Close and the agency by “falsely and recklessly” publicizing the information on Twitter.


Freeman would not comment on the case.

Meanwhile, the US Government is suing the Chicago Cubs over accessibility at Wrigley Field. According the to suit, the Cubs down graded wheel chair seating when they remodeled the stadium. The Cubs disagree:

The Cubs said in a statement that they are disappointed that the lawsuit was filed and said they hope the matter can be resolved amicably. The team said the renovation of the ballpark, a national and city landmark, “greatly increased” accessibility in accordance with the law and the historic preservation standards, with 50% more accessible seating options, 11 more elevators and enhanced audio assistance for fans with hearing impairments.


It’s possible the Cubs paid off the wrong politicians.

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