July 17, 2022

Weekly Look at Offense

At the beginning of every week Baseball Musings compares the current season to the previous season through the same number of full weeks. Games in the 2022 season generate 8.66 runs per game compared to 8.93 runs per game in 2021. Home runs continue to be down 0.2 per game, from 2.36 to 2.15. Walks are down 0.4 per game, and strikeouts are down 1.0 per game. The goal of reducing the three true outcomes worked. Other hits are up 0.6 from 13.57 to 14.15 per game. So the trade off for more action is slightly lower scoring.

The past week generated 8.71 runs per game. That’s five weeks in a row with runs per game in a narrow range between 8.56 and 8.77. The game appears to have reached a steady state.

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