September 14, 2022

Minor Union

The Minors League became unionized today, as the MLBPA now represents them. MLB was very kind in their remarks:

In a statement, the league said: “Major League Baseball has a long history of bargaining in good faith with unions, including those representing minor and major league umpires, and major league players. We respect the right of workers to decide for themselves whether to unionize. Based on the authorization cards gathered, MLB has voluntarily and promptly recognized the MLBPA as the representatives of minor league players. We are hopeful that a timely and fair collective bargaining agreement will be reached that is good for the game, minor league players and our fans.”

I keep getting the feeling that this might be the reaction of the union in a few months:

1 thought on “Minor Union

  1. rbj1

    MLB also doesn’t want to lose its anti-trust exemption. Opposing unionization with Democrats in charge two months from an election would not be a good move.


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