September 19, 2022

Weekly Look at Offense

Every Monday Baseball Musings compares the scoring of the current season to the previous year through the same number of full weeks. Through 23 weeks, the 2022 season produced 8.59 runs per game compared to 9.06 runs per game in 2021. The drop is due to a 0.3 HR per game drop and a 0.4 walk per game drop. Other hits, combined singles, doubles, and triples are up 0.5 per game, but that’s not enough to make up for the big power drop. On the positive side, strikeouts are down 0.7 per game. More action in the game unfortunately led to fewer runs.

Offense, running very low in the second half of the season, collapsed in week 23 to 7.58 runs per game. That’s the second lowest week of the season (week two came in at 7.55 R/G) and the fourth lowest week in this study (since 2015). Week 23 ran opposite of the season with strikeouts up to 17.4 per game and other hits down to 12.9 per game, while home runs were steady at 2.2 per game. Offense seems to be reverting to the power hitting, power pitching mode.

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