September 19, 2022

Take Him to Detroit!

Scott Harris of the Giants front office appears to be the new GM of the Tigers. Brandon Day at Bless you Boys offers his take on the signing:

The Tigers great need is in player evaluation and acquisition at all levels. They have their player development chief in place. What they need to do is improve at finding talent in trades, free agency, the amateur drafts, the works. Harris seems like a rising star with those specific specialties and experience with some of the better minds in the game in both the Cubs and the Giants front offices.

Harris turned down the Mets job last season.

3 thoughts on “Take Him to Detroit!

  1. Kevin

    Great to see a line from “Kentucky Fried Movie” in a baseball blog, especially since the movie is over forty years old! Made MY DAY!?

  2. Kevin

    No Dave they couldn’t. Sadly satire and absurdism has been has been deemed a mortal sin. Which should really frighten us over the course of the “long season”. Keep up your great work, someone HAS too.


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