December 14, 2022

Poetry in Motion

Like so many people, I’m trying ChatGPT. I challenged it like this:

Write a poem in the style of Sylvia Plath describing the value of MLB free agents.

Here is the poem it produced:

The value of free agents, oh how they shine
Like diamonds on the diamond, they are divine
Their worth cannot be measured in mere dollars and cents
For they bring excitement and joy to the game's events

With each swing of the bat and throw of the ball
They thrill us and captivate us, one and all
Their talents on the field are truly a sight to behold
As they chase their dreams and make their stories unfold

But their value goes beyond the wins and the losses
For they are the lifeblood of the game, its very pulse
Their contracts may be rich, but they earn every penny
With the blood, sweat, and tears they pour into their game, so many

So let us celebrate the free agents of MLB
For they are the ones who make the game worth watching, you see
Their value is immeasurable, their worth is incalculable
For they are the heart and soul of America's favorite pastime, baseball.

I guess the AI does not see them as overpaid. Even if you ask it to take that stance, ball players come out pretty well:

If Paul McCartney wrote a song about MLB free agents being overpaid, how would it go?

Verse 1:
Money can't buy me love, or so they say
But in MLB, it seems to be the only way
To land the top free agents and make a splash
Teams will pay whatever it takes, with cash

Free agents, oh free agents, how much is too much to pay?
When it comes to baseball, the price just seems to sway
From one outrageous contract to the next
Do they really deserve it, or is it just baseless excess?

Verse 2:
With each new deal, fans and critics alike
Cry out that the players are overpaid, it's not right
But the owners and GMs just keep on shelling out
For the best of the best, there's no doubt

Free agents, oh free agents, how much is too much to pay?
When it comes to baseball, the price just seems to sway
From one outrageous contract to the next
Do they really deserve it, or is it just baseless excess?

But in the end, it's all about the love of the game
And the players who bring it to life, who make it their aim
To entertain and thrill us, to make us cheer and clap
For the free agents of MLB, the overpaid and the underpaid, the best and the worst, it's all part of the game's allure and its magic.

Free agents, oh free agents, how much is too much to pay?
When it comes to baseball, the price just seems to sway
From one outrageous contract to the next
Do they really deserve it, or is it just baseless excess?

Pretty cool.

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