January 18, 2023

Opry Baseball

Former pitcher, agent, and general manager Dave Stewart works diligently to build a group that can put an expansion team in Nashville, Tennessee. MLB will not move on expansion until Oakland and Tampa Bay resolve their stadium situations, but Stewart wants everything in place:

The uncertain timetable creates a quandary for groups like Music City Baseball. How do you build a baseball team without the guarantee of ever even having a baseball team? Stewart and his colleagues described the effort as something akin to building a home. The foundation must be ready by the time MLB opts for more construction. “Truth is, what we have time to do is just think,” Stewart said. “And paint a picture, paint a canvas, paint our vision.”

Added managing director John Loar, “We’re trying to control things we can control. And build our organization and build a brand and a team — before it’s a team.”


The group is recruiting people who tried to buy a baseball team in the past but fell short.

Unstated in the article is another advantage to building now. Both Oakland and Tampa Bay could move if their stadium situations stall. This group could buy one of those teams and move to them to Nashville as well, which might be cheaper in the long run and could even lead to a championship season quicker.

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