April 19, 2023

Sticky Fingers Scherzer

Max Scherzer found himself ejected after a third hand inspection did not convince umpires that Scherzer cleaned his hands. Scherzer said it was rosin and sweat, and had washed his hands with alcohol in front of an umpire. Crew chief Dan Bellino explained the ejection:

In a pool report after Wednesday’s game, Bellino said that the stickiness on Scherzer’s hand during the fourth-inning inspection was “much worse than it was even in the initial inspection.”

“As far as stickiness, this was the stickiest it had been since I’ve been inspecting hands, which goes back three seasons,” Bellino said. “Compared to the first inning, it was so sticky that when we touched his hand, our fingers were sticking to his hand. Whatever was on there remained on our fingers afterwards for a couple innings. It was far more than we’ve ever seen before on a pitcher during live action.”


Scherzer could face a ten game suspension.

The Mets beat the Dodgers 5-3 after Scherzer had started with three scoreless innings.

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