June 12, 2023

Weekly Look at Offense

Every Monday Baseball Musings compares the offense of the current season to the previous year through the same number of full weeks. Through ten weeks, MLB games produce 9.07 runs per game compared to 8.66 runs per game in 2022. Unfortunately, for the barons of the game, the rise in runs comes mostly from a 0.2 rise in home runs per game, from 2.1 to 2.3, and a 0.3 rise in walks per game from 6.3 to 6.6 per game.

Other hits, the singles, doubles, and triples that the shift rules should help rose just 0.3 per game, from 14.1. to 14.4 per game. This is a result of pitchers adjusting to the more porous defense by striking out more batters, from 16.6 to 17.2 per game. The 2022 season was a down year for Ks, but it would appear pitchers have learned to deal with a less tacky ball.

Week ten saw a almost perfect runs per game average, coming in just short of nine runs per game at 8.97. It was a good week for home runs. The scoring falls pretty much in the middle of week tens since 2015.

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