February 15, 2024

Last Term?

Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred said he will retire at the end of his term in 2029


Manfred, 65, replaced Bud Selig as commissioner in January 2015 and has since been given two five-year terms. The owners voted in July to give him a third term.

“You can only have so much fun in one lifetime,” Manfred said to reporters at Grapefruit League media day in Tampa, Florida. “I have been open with [owners] about the fact that this is going to be my last term.”


Seventy is a good age to call it quits. Given how he is roundly booed whenever he makes a public appearance, he might regret taking the third term. Then again, there were times we thought Bud Selig would step down, but the he always seemed to get another term. As long as Manfred keeps the game in good financial order, the owners will try to keep him no matter how much the fans dislike him.

That said, I think there is a good chance he will go down as one of the better commissioners. I think his strength in managing changes in the game will eventually seen as more important than his weakness of publicly talking about the game.

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