March 17, 2024

Will You Still Read Me, My RSS Feeds See…

I am 100 years old in base 8 today.

Lately the idea of power birthdays crossed my mind. Mathematically, power birthdays would satisfy the equation z = y^x for integer values of y and x greater than one. So:

  • 4
  • 8
  • 9
  • 16
  • 25
  • 27
  • 32
  • 36
  • 49
  • 64
  • 81
  • 100
  • 121
  • 125
  • 128

These are the birthdays that might be obtainable by a human. That last two have not been reached. (There is some dispute over the 122 year old.)

Sixty four stands out, however, as it is a power of three different numbers, 2^6, 4^3, and 8^2. So to me it’s a much more significant birthday than 65, so it’s good that it has it’s own song.

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