May 18, 2024

Overmatched Umps

The Twins felt a number of ball/strike calls went against them in the 3-2 Twins win. Shortstop Carlos Correa tried to be lenient toward the umpires:

As for the strikeout, Correa diplomatically said umpires might be overmatched behind the plate.

“I feel like pitchers are too nasty right now for umpires to see,” he said. “I feel like if the umpires knew what was coming and they had a Pitchcom (communication device) they would make calls so much better.

“It’s really hard for them to just be able to call pitches, especially the way the catchers are framing nowadays. If they had a device where it says slider and they are anticipating the slider and they know where it has to start and land for it to be a strike, then we would get so many calls.

“But the fact that they are over there blind, it’s really hard. I just think their job is too hard for me to be harsh on them. Sometimes I get calls, sometimes I don’t and you move on.”

I am mixed on the pitch com. There is some evidence that umpires call pitches based on hitting the target. If the catcher sets up outside, and the pitcher hits the inside corner of the plate, the umpire might call that a ball since the catcher had to move his glove a long way to catch it. If the ump thinks a slider is coming, and it’s simply not a good slider, will he call it a strike if it’s in the zone, or will he call it a ball if because it was a poorly executed pitch?

I still like the idea of taking away one of the three dimensions from the umpire, letting a pitch detection system decide the rather concrete dimension of the ball being over the plate. Then the umpire can concentrate on up and down, the more subjective call.

1 thought on “Overmatched Umps


    I think the pitchcom idea is a really interesting one. It would be incredibly easy to implement, and it might actually help (or it might not). Either way, it’s another step between today and full automation and would be completely unobtrusive. Let’s give it a shot!


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