August 17, 2006

6 thoughts on “Yankees On Top

  1. Mark

    Just means the Mets are the best team in an otherwise middling to bad division. For that matter, in an otherwise middling to bad league. Is the NL really a “major” league anymore?

  2. sabernar

    This isn’t the first time the Yanks have had a better record than the Mets – it’s happened on and off (I believe) since the All-Star break when the Yanks when on a tear.

  3. Chris Marcil

    I don’t know why you used the exclamation point for the new Yankee Stadium unless it’s one of outrage. Upper deck in Yankee Stadium used to be a great view. In the new one it will be like all upper-deck views, a view from atop a multi-story luxury box/vomitorium.
    Staples Center is the most egregious example of this, because it’s three floors of luxury boxes. When you look at how far up they’ve shoved the (most passionate) fans in the upper deck, you think the revolution can’t come soon enough.

  4. Chris Marcil

    Note to National Security Agency — I am not officially advocating that the revolution can’t come soon enough. Please don’t hurt me.


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