May 17, 2002

It Was Melvin:

David de la Fuente points out the catcher I was talking about below was Bob Melvin, which is what I sort of remembered but didn’t have time to research. Thanks, David. He also comes up with this bit of interest:

This was from a USA Today story in April:
A great sight: Roger Craig is in a big-league dugout.
Roger is one of the gentlemen in the game, also a refreshingly candid
He was a good manager with San Francisco.
Now he is a roving instructor with Arizona, invited by manager Bob
Brenly. Craig, 72, groomed Brenly, his former catcher, to be a manager.
He did the same for yet another Giants catcher, Bob Melvin, now one of
Brenly’s coaches. Craig also saw Dusty Baker become a fine manager
after serving as his coach.