May 29, 2007

Remembering Brooklyn

Alfred Kelly wants to see a commemoration of the Dodgers’ move away from Brooklyn:

This year, quite appropriately, Major League Baseball honored the 60th anniversary of Jackie Robinson’s debut as a Dodger. Somehow, baseball should acknowledge the 50th anniversary of our beloved Bums’ move West.

In another 20 years or so, there will be very few people who remember the Brooklyn Dodgers. I hope in the next expansion, MLB brings a team back to the burough.
Correction: Fixed typo.

3 thoughts on “Remembering Brooklyn

  1. crg

    Nice sentiment that will never get implemented. (1) The Mets would go absolutely apesh*t, and (2) The last thing baseball needs is to be watered down through more expansion.

  2. Adam Villani

    The “watering down” argument against expansion only holds as long as there is a constant supply of talent. Consider that in the first half of the 20th century, baseball was for the most part only drawing on the talents of white North Americans, and the country had less than half the population it has now. Yes, a greater proportion of the population was playing baseball then, but now we’ve expanded to black North Americans, the Caribbean, most of Latin America from Venezuela to Mexico, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Plus, add that baseball’s developmental and training techniques are more advanced now, and it’s hard to believe that 30 teams in 2007 are measurably more watered-down than 16 teams were from 1901 to 1960.


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