July 5, 2003

Number 9, Number 9

One of the reasons I thought the Red Sox would have a good offense this year is that Jason Varitek was going to be a very good #9 hitter. Well, he’s been even better than that. Here’s the #9 hitters rated by On-base by Slugging:

#9 Hitter OPS
Varitek 1.056
M. Young .836
R. Ordonez .805
C. Singleton .747

Overall, Varitek has a .968 OPS, 14th in the majors. At some point, you have to wonder if the Red Sox should move him up in the lineup. He has a nine-game hit streak in which he’s hit .500 with 5 HR and 15 RBI.

1 thought on “Number 9, Number 9

  1. raoli.com

    Sox Keep Mashing

    Well, I missed most of the Red Sox pounding of the Yankees yesterday, but I’m sitting down to watch the Ramiro Mendoza — Roger Clemens match-up as I type this. The 7 home runs the Sox hit yesterday reminded…

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