July 6, 2003

Team Attendance Report

Here’s a table showing the change for each team through the same period as last year.

2002 2003
Through Same Period Games Avg. Attendance Games Avg. Attendance Pct. Change
Angels 45 24685 43 36368 47.3
Expos 39 8427 40 12191 44.7
Reds 44 22653 42 29886 31.9
Marlins 46 10778 43 13390 24.2
Royals 36 18137 43 22221 22.5
Phillies 45 20655 43 25199 22.0
Blue Jays 41 18702 41 22603 20.9
Athletics 47 24549 45 26687 8.7
Cubs 37 34324 41 35503 3.4
Twins 44 21433 44 21975 2.5
Devil Rays 40 12804 46 13009 1.6
Dodgers 42 37117 45 37661 1.5
Red Sox 44 32817 40 32938 0.4
Giants 40 39663 40 39049 -1.5
Cardinals 46 37572 44 36416 -3.1
Yankees 44 42680 42 40826 -4.3
White Sox 46 21806 44 20724 -5.0
Pirates 45 22930 42 21396 -6.7
Tigers 38 18634 40 17362 -6.8
Rangers 45 30078 43 27585 -8.3
Braves 47 32595 41 29593 -9.2
Astros 40 31350 43 28230 -10.0
Mariners 46 43155 41 38350 -11.1
Diamondbacks 45 39245 42 33562 -14.5
Orioles 39 34502 44 29186 -15.4
Padres 43 29138 44 24584 -15.6
Mets 39 36108 38 29546 -18.2
Rockies 46 36373 46 28799 -20.8
Brewers 42 24091 44 18609 -22.8
Indians 39 31564 40 20639 -34.6

It seems winning the World Series really helped the Angels, and playing games in San Juan made a difference to the Expos. The new stadium has given Cincinnati a boost. In general, however, winning seems to have helped teams. Seven of the team that are showing a positive gain are either building on last year’s wins or have improved themselves this year. It’s good to see KC and Toronto both gaining in attendance.

I also find Texas interesting. It seems that the lure of Alex Rodriguez alone is not enough to keep fannies in the seats. Texas will have to find a way to win to get the fans back.

Update: I was curious about the Marlins increase, and I wondered how much it had to do with Dontrelle Willis. The Marlins are getting a boost when Willis pitches, but they would still be up without him. The Marlins are drawing 15,542 when Willis pitches, 12,697 otherwise.