July 6, 2003

All-Star Selections

The All Star team will be announced in a few minutes, and I’m just not excited by the whole thing. There will be the same old arguments there are every year; so-and-so deserved to go, why did they pick what’s his name instead? The fans shouldn’t vote, the players should vote. The managers shouldn’t be allowed to stuff the team with their own players. Fine.
But of course, none of this has been part of the buildup to the game. The buildup has been, THE GAME FINALLY COUNTS! Well, frankly, I don’t want it to count. I want the All Star game to be a meaningless exhibition where players wear different uniforms and you get to see Alex Rodriguez and Cal Ripken together in an infield; you get to see Randy Johnson pitch to Larry Walker; you get to see Reggie Jackson hit a massive HR. In other words, I want a bit of fun.
I sort of hope that the ratings go down this year. It will just show that Selig once again doesn’t know what he’s doing.