July 6, 2003


I finally have ESPN-HD. I’m a bit upset, since DirecTV is now charging for the service. They called me up a couple of months ago to see if I needed to upgrade my equipment for HDTV. I didn’t, but they said I’d be able to get it when I became available. So they add 3 HDTV channels, and they add a charge.
I would think they would want viewers to move toward the HD equipement, and the easiest way to do that would be to give people ESPN-HD as part of the basic package. I must admit, I don’t know if it’s ESPN or DirecTV who is responsible for the charges, so I’ll withhold direct criticism until I know the details of the deal.
Meanwhile, my real HD-TV is in the shop, and I’ve watching it on a lower resolution digital TV. The picture is still excellent. The biggest difference between HD and regular analog or digital TV is the depth of the picture. You really see a 3-D effect. Right now, however, I don’t think ESPN can really take advantage of the format. They are framing the scene so that the normal broadcast can be generated by cutting the sides off the wide screen HD picture. So we’re seeing the same centerfield camera angle, but we’re seeing more of the stands. The bug in the middle of the HD screen, which would be the left edge of the regular screen. I’m hoping, as this becomes the dominant way of covering games, that we start to see new angles; will they be able to fit in a runner at first, the pitcher and the batter at the same time? A view from behind the plate that shows the positions of all the infielders? For now, I’m going to enjoy the great picture, but I’m hoping for so much more.