May 7, 2009

Thoughts on Manny

It is About the Money, Stupid, puts down his thoughts on Manny Ramirez. After digesting the whole thing all day, I think the probability is high that he’s correct when he writes:

I really don’t want to hear the “unknowingly”, blind support crap that might bubble up over the next few days. I want to know the truth, dammit. How long was he taking PEDs and where did he get them? Enough already. You’re already sitting on a 50 game suspension with your reputation being shredded. Just fess up, and do it the right way, not a sorta/kinda truth like ARod gave us. But that won’t happen. He’ll backpedal on the “mistake” excuse and that’s all we’ll get. So we will be left to presume that he’s been guilty for years, just like we did with Palmiero and the rest.

I can’t help myself, but if I hear anyone trying to give Manny the pass on this, I might scream.

The whole post is well worth the read.

2 thoughts on “Thoughts on Manny

  1. dave

    I cannot see Manny making that type of statement. I expect some effort as he attempts to appeal. Once that fails figure on a disappearing act, some radio silence possible mixed with “no habla…”

  2. rbj

    Good post, but IATMS neglects (doesn’t know?) that Bob Gibson was on greenies (which have been around forever and I will over look) and muscle relaxants during the 1968 World Series. Are those players from back then given a pass?

    Heck, if we want to be pure, what about all those players, include Babe Ruth, who drank alcohol in the 1920s, when it was not only illegal, but unconstitutional.

    Not that I want to give steroid/PED users a pass, just that the issue is a lot murkier than clean (I bet Jeter and Ripken used greenies too) vs. unclean.

    And hey, how about going to Canton and look at all the football players there who’ve used a little extra “help”.


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