June 5, 2009

Arr! The GM Should Walk the Plank!

The Nate McLouth trade upset the Pirates players. It upset Adam LaRoche so much he used a double negative:

“There ain’t a guy in here who ain’t [ticked] off about it,” said first baseman Adam LaRoche, according to the report. “It’s kind of like being with your platoon in a battle, and guys keep dropping around you. You keep hanging on, hanging on, and you’ve got to figure: How much longer till you sink?

When you put your hand into a bunch of goo that a moment before was your best friend’s face, you’ll know what to do.

“It’s fine. Heck with it. We’re not the GM. We don’t run the team. If they feel like it’s the best move for three or four years from now, great,” LaRoche said, according to the report. “Unfortunately, that does me no good. I’ve still got to be in here telling guys it’s going to be fine with Nate gone. Well, you can only do that for so long until guys just kind of … well, they know.”

If McCutchen plays a few more games like yesterday, Nate will become a memory soon enough. After all, the team was 21-24 when McLouth played a game, 4-4 without him.

1 thought on “Arr! The GM Should Walk the Plank!

  1. sabernar

    Everything I read about the trade says something about how trading Nate opens up a spot for McCutchen. Ummmm…there are two other OF spots for McCutchen to take. Nate was their best OF signed to a great deal. It makes absolutely no sense that they traded him.


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