October 10, 2009


The probability of a second hip surgery for A-Rod is dropping close to zero:

Philippon was at Yankee Stadium to give Rodriguez a check-up, at the patient’s request. The doctor examined Rodriguez and watched him take batting practice.

“At this point in time, based on my clinical exam and what I saw in batting practice, I need [to do] a little more tests,” Philippon said. “But so far, I don’t think he will need surgery. . . . Clinically, we can’t be more pleased.”

Philippon also said Rodriguez’s hip will keep getting better until the operation is a year old. In May, when Philippon saw Rodriguez, he estimated A-Rod’s hip was at 75-80 percent. Now, Philippon figures it to be 95 percent. And by next spring, he should be at 100.

Another example of better living through better medical technology. With a new hip, A-Rod may very well have a slower decline than we otherwise might expect, meaning he has a better chance of living up to his Yankees contract.

1 thought on “Hipster

  1. Jesse R

    I didn’t even think of the hip as a reason for decline. I always thought muscle deterioration was the cause. Still, I think the odds of his playing ability being worth 30 million in 10 years are excellent. Nevermind his value being 30 million because of the record he will be aiming for, in 9-10 years inflation will have caused 30 million to look like a bargain I bet.


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