October 19, 2009

Torre and Manuel

This is the second story I’ve seen today on how Charlie Manuel out-managed Joe Torre.

But it’s not fair to either manager to reduce his role entirely to calligraphy. Both Manuel and Torre are baseball lifers, and both are now World Series-winning managers. It’s just that Torre is revered as a kind of guru of the game, and Manuel is still subject to a lack of respect when one of his moves doesn’t work.

Actually, Torre’s strength as a manger never was on the strategy side. Torre manages the men, keeping them happy, watching their backs, preparing them to give their best. Manuel certainly didn’t outmanage Torre in game two, and picking the wrong starting pitcher is easier than one thinks. This series isn’t about managing, it’s about the Phillies bats and Ruben Amaro’s mid-season pitching pickups. If you trade Torre for Manuel, the Phillies are still up 2-1.

Update: Bill Plaschke gets it, Amaro out GM’d Colleti. However, Ned’s pick up of Vicente Padilla was cheaper and just as effective.

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