October 19, 2009

Why Bernazard

Boras Blog wonders why Scott Boras would take on Tony Bernzard as a client:

I can get that sometimes genius comes with a volatile personality. In fact, from my personal experiences, it very often does. But here is the thing: Bernazard’s on-the-job player development performance has been horrible. This is no genius, not by a long shot. So, for all of the Mets troubles – for driving Delgado away (round one), for Bus Drivin’ Bernazard, for shirtless fights, for Adam Rubin Lobby Job, for all the punch-lines and PR scrambles and all the rest of the bagage that came along, the Mets got Carlos Gomez, Fernando Martinez and… Parnell? Murphy? Nothing. They got nothing for their trouble. Bernazard was a failure on every level, and I can only wonder how good he must sound in a conference room that he has even been able to get himself the opportunities that he has.

I think, however, Boras Blog missed something. I think Tony is working for Scott, recruiting Latin-American players.

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