October 17, 2003

Happy Yankees Fans

Irina Paley appears to have enjoyed the game:

Better than money. Better than sex. Better than your favorite song. Better than ice cream. Better than ‘Empire Strikes Back.’ Better than the swimsuit issue. Better than the FDNY callendar. Better than the prom queen. Better than the ’94 Rangers. Better than the ’70 Knicks. Better than Brooklyn pizza. Better than the Beatles.

Better than Empire Strikes Back? That’s pretty good.

Steinbrenner and Theo are battling in the upper deck of Yankee Stadium with light baseball bats. Steinbrenner knocks Theo’s pitching hand off.
GS: Billy Beane never told you what happened to your father.
TE: He told me enough! It was you who defeated him in 1978.
GS: No. I am your father.
TE: No. No. That’s not true! That’s impossible!