December 17, 2003

Vizquel for Guillen?

This deal appears to be over due to Omar Vizquel’s knee. I think this is a good thing for the Mariners. I’m not sure why they would want an old Vizquel over a younger (and improving) Guillen. Sure, the Mariners lost out on Tejada, but Vizquel is no where near Miguel anymore. Guillen appears to me to be the best option they have at the moment. He’s signed, he’s not making a lot of money and I don’t understand why they are so hot to get rid of him.

4 thoughts on “Vizquel for Guillen?

  1. ....a moment with Easycure

    Because he gets injured every year. But still, he is a better option than “Little O”.
    Any chance the M’s could get Vladi? That would help their offense……
    I wish the M’s management would open up the purse-strings…..but they won’t. They are filling up the stadium with a “contending team”. Too bad they don’t understand what a World Series caliber team could do for their income……and the city.

  2. not cheap, but stupid

    The problem isn’t that management is cheap. Seattle may not spend as much as they could, but the payroll is among the top non-AL East squads. Unfortunately, the team has determined to fritter it away on marginal talent, such as Spiezio, Wilson, Olerud, Winn. The roster is an amazing mess of mediocrity, and Bavasi seems driven to further the drive to adequate.

  3. Todd W

    Here’s why: the M’s are about to dump Freddy Garcia, who is Guillen’s best friend. They’ve often been seen partying around town together. The M’s assume that trading or non-tendering Freddy will cause some bad blood with Guillen, which it very well may.
    Now, that said, THANK GOD they’re not making this trade for Vizquel. Why on earth (besides the reason above) would you trade for a worse shortstop who makes nearly $5 million a year more?
    Bavasi has made a lot of questionable moves, not signing Cameron, throwing too much money at Ibanez, and a little too much at Guardado, too. The only good thing he’s done is not overpay for Tejada.

  4. Rebecca Allen

    Excuse me, the M’s management IS cheap, or greedy, depending on how you look at it. Check out the USS Mariner weblog on how management has exaggerated payroll expenses, and how the press has failed to point this out. Hiring Bavasi (and Bob Melvin), rather than people who actually know what they’re doing (but would cost more) is symptomatic. NO, there is NO chance they will go after Vlad, as he would cost real money. This will continue until the fans get wise and quit going to Safeco (as I have). The collection of mediocrity that they’ve assembled this off-season may finally do this.

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