December 18, 2003

Deal Dead? is citing Jayson Stark as saying that the deal is dead.

The Red Sox and Rangers appear to be at an impasse in their attempts to agree on a restructuring of Alex Rodriguez’s contract before today’s 5 p.m. ET deadline, thus making a proposed trade between the sides unlikely,’s Jayson Stark reports.
There has been no indication that either Boston or Texas has applied for an extension of their window to negotiate a restructuring that would allow Rodriguez to be traded for Red Sox outfielder Manny Ramirez, Stark reports. The deadline for a deal to be finalized was set by commissioner Bud Selig.

Don’t count on arbitration. Like their interference or not, the player’s union has the rules on their side, and I have no doubt they would win in arbitration (they also have better lawyers than Selig). So unless their is a miracle in the next hour, Red Sox fans are going to have to put up with Manny and Nomar for another year.
Of course, what’s so bad about that? There’s been a lot of wasted time and effort put into a deal that wasn’t going to improve the team that much. Not much to cry about here.

5 thoughts on “Deal Dead?

  1. Derek

    It’s great that Jayson Stark thinks the Red Sox and Rangers need to agree on the restructuring of A-Rod’s deal. Too bad the restructuring talks have nothing to do with the Rangers. Sorry. I’m just a grumpy sox fan today.

  2. Robert

    Actually if you include Magglio in the deal then it is a nice improvement. But you have to have Mag in the deal for it to be a step up.

  3. Bill

    Robert check out this link to get a full analysis of the deal:
    Talent wise (with Mags) this deal is a wash. Boston gets rid of a poor fielder, and huge headache, in Manny Ramirez and losses somebody who will be a free agent at the end of the year. But, they take on a guy who is a free agent at the end of the year and a TON of salary. I want this deal to go down and I think it will be to Boston’s benefit probably, but Mr. Pinto is right… talent wise it is pretty close to a wash.

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