June 23, 2010

What’s Up With That?

Jerry Seinfeld will be in the broadcast booth during the Mets game at Citi Field while the team hold a “Mets Fans Go Gaga for Wright” night. Sounds like a bad romance to me. 🙂

By the way, this video is right up there with Legs as one of my favorite videos of all time. ZZ Top always gave you the three staples of great music videos, cars, guitars and chicks. Sharp Dressed Man is a better song, but Legs is the better video.

Update: Of course, Seinfeld might have inspired the Lady Gaga look with his episode, The Caddy:

(Scene: Elaine’s office at J Peterman)

Receptionist on Intercom: Sue Ellen Mishke to see you.

Elaine: Sue Ellen Mishke? Ah, alright, send her in.

(Sue Ellen enters, wearing the brazier as a top, with a black blazer)

Sue Ellen: Hi Elaine.

Elaine: Hellllloo.

Sue Ellen: I happened to be in the neighborhood, so I thought I’d stop
in, and thank you for your lovely gift.

Elaine: Ohhhhh. You’re….welcome.

Sue Ellen: Is anything wrong?

Elaine: Well, Sue Ellen, it’s a, it’s not a top, it’s a bra.

Sue Ellen: Oh, I know. Thanks again.

The episode also contains this great exchange about the Yankees:

George: Assistant to the General Manager!! You know what means?!?
He’d could be askin’ my advice on trades! Trades, Jerry, I’m a
heartbeat away!

Jerry: That’s a hell of an organization they’re running up there. I
can’t understand why they haven’t won a pennant in 15 years.

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